PhoA Help System

Controls :: Browse mode :: Keyboard

Shortcut Action Description
Alt+Enter Edit Invokes Photo album properties dialog, Picture properties dialog, or enters current group name editing mode (depends on current selection).
Alt+Ins Create group Creates new group as a child of the group currently highlighted, assigns it the default name and starts editing its name.
Arrow keys Move selection Moves highlight along group tree or in picture list (depends on which pane is active).
Ctrl+A Select all Highlights all pictures in the current group.
Ctrl+Arrow keys Move focus Moves the thumbnail focus leaving the current selection intact.
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Ins Copy Copies pictures currently highlighted to the clipboard.
Ctrl+D Select none Removes highlight from all pictures in the current group.
Ctrl+End Focus last Focuses the last thumbnail leaving the current selection intact.
Ctrl+Enter View Enters view mode for the current picture.
Ctrl+F1 About Displays version, copyright and PhoA home site info.
Ctrl+F2 Picture operations Opens the Picture operations dialog.
Ctrl+F3 Sort pictures Brings up Sort pictures dialog.
Ctrl+G Picture groups Display photo album group tree (when a view is displayed).
Ctrl+Home Focus first Focuses the first thumbnail leaving the current selection intact.
Ctrl+N Create new photo album Erases all photo album info as well as groups and pictures.
Ctrl+O Open photo album file Invokes photo album file-open dialog, loads photo album for processing or viewing.
Ctrl+Page Down Focus page down Moves the focus one screen down leaving the current selection intact.
Ctrl+Page Up Focus page up Moves the focus one screen up leaving the current selection intact.
Ctrl+R File operations Starts the Picture file operations wizard.
Ctrl+S Save photo album file Stores photo album file currently open to the disk.
Ctrl+Space Toggle thumbnail selection Selects or deselects the thumbnail currently focused.
Ctrl+V, Shift+Ins Paste Adds pictures from the clipboard to the current group (only if clipboard contains valid pictures placed there by PhoA).
Ctrl+X, Shift+Del Cut Cuts pictures currently highlighted into the clipboard.
Ctrl+Z, Alt+Backspace Undo Rolls back the last change you have done to the photo album.
Del Delete Removes group or pictures currently highlighted after the confirmation (depends on current selection).
End Last element Moves selection to the last group/picture (depends on which pane is active).
Enter (when thumbnail window is active) View Enters view mode for the current picture.
F1 Help contents Runs PhoA Help System.
F2 Rename Enters current group or current view name editing mode (depends on current selection).
F3 Find Allows you to find pictures by given criteria.
F4 Program settings Displays the Program settings dialog.
F8 Statistics Calculates and displays the photo album statistics.
F12 Save photo album to another file Brings up photo album file-save dialog, writes the photo album to the file selected and makes file the current one.
Home First element Moves selection to the first group/picture (depends on which pane is active).
Ins Add picture(s) Invokes the Add pictures wizard (pictures will be added to the current group).
Page Down Next page Scrolls one screen down.
Page Up Previous page Scrolls one screen up.
Shift+Alt+Arrow keys Rectangular thumbnail selection Selects a rectangular block of thumbnails (with one corner at previous and another one at next highlighted).
Shift+Alt+Del Delete view Removes current view from the photoa lbum.
Shift+Alt+Enter Edit view Opens the View properties dialog.
Shift+Alt+G Make a group Opens the Select a group dialog to place view's groups to.
Shift+Alt+Ins New view Invokes the Add view dialog.
Shift+Arrow keys Picture range selection Selects picture sequence (starting at previous and ending at next highlighted).
Shift+Ctrl+Enter View slide show Enters the view mode for the current picture and starts the slide show.
Shift+Ctrl+O Load settings from ini file Displays Load .ini file dialog you wish to load program settings from.
Shift+Ctrl+S Save settings to ini file Displays Save .ini file dialog you wish to save current program settings to.
Shift+End Select to end Selects pictures from current through last.
Shift+Home Select to begin Selects pictures from current through first.
Shift+Page Down Select page down Selects pictures from current through one one screen down.
Shift+Page Up Select page up Selects pictures from current through one one screen up.
Space Select thumbnail Selects the current thumbnail.