Shortcut |
Action |
Description |
Alt+Enter |
Edit |
Invokes Photo album properties dialog, Picture
properties dialog, or enters current group name editing mode (depends on current selection). |
Alt+Ins |
Create group |
Creates new group as a child of the group currently highlighted, assigns it the default name and starts editing
its name. |
Arrow keys |
Move selection |
Moves highlight along group tree or in picture list (depends on which pane is active). |
Ctrl+A |
Select all |
Highlights all pictures in the current group. |
Ctrl+Arrow keys |
Move focus |
Moves the thumbnail focus leaving the current selection intact. |
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Ins |
Copy |
Copies pictures currently highlighted to the clipboard. |
Ctrl+D |
Select none |
Removes highlight from all pictures in the current group. |
Ctrl+End |
Focus last |
Focuses the last thumbnail leaving the current selection intact. |
Ctrl+Enter |
View |
Enters view mode for the current picture. |
Ctrl+F1 |
About |
Displays version, copyright and PhoA home site info. |
Ctrl+F2 |
Picture operations |
Opens the Picture operations dialog. |
Ctrl+F3 |
Sort pictures |
Brings up Sort pictures dialog.
Ctrl+G |
Picture groups |
Display photo album group tree (when a view is displayed). |
Ctrl+Home |
Focus first |
Focuses the first thumbnail leaving the current selection intact. |
Ctrl+N |
Create new photo album |
Erases all photo album info as well as groups and pictures. |
Ctrl+O |
Open photo album file |
Invokes photo album file-open dialog, loads photo album for processing or viewing. |
Ctrl+Page Down |
Focus page down |
Moves the focus one screen down leaving the current selection intact. |
Ctrl+Page Up |
Focus page up |
Moves the focus one screen up leaving the current selection intact. |
Ctrl+R |
File operations |
Starts the Picture file operations wizard. |
Ctrl+S |
Save photo album file |
Stores photo album file currently open to the disk. |
Ctrl+Space |
Toggle thumbnail selection |
Selects or deselects the thumbnail currently focused. |
Ctrl+V, Shift+Ins |
Paste |
Adds pictures from the clipboard to the current group (only
if clipboard contains valid pictures placed there by PhoA). |
Ctrl+X, Shift+Del |
Cut |
Cuts pictures currently highlighted into the clipboard. |
Ctrl+Z, Alt+Backspace |
Undo |
Rolls back the last change you have done to the photo album. |
Del |
Delete |
Removes group or pictures currently highlighted after the confirmation (depends on current selection). |
End |
Last element |
Moves selection to the last group/picture (depends on which pane is active). |
Enter (when thumbnail window is active) |
View |
Enters view mode for the current picture. |
F1 |
Help contents |
Runs PhoA Help System. |
F2 |
Rename |
Enters current group or current view name editing mode (depends on current selection). |
F3 |
Find |
Allows you to find pictures by given criteria. |
F4 |
Program settings |
Displays the Program settings dialog. |
F8 |
Statistics |
Calculates and displays the photo album statistics. |
F12 |
Save photo album to another file |
Brings up photo album file-save dialog, writes the photo album to the file selected and makes file the current
one. |
Home |
First element |
Moves selection to the first group/picture (depends on which pane is active). |
Ins |
Add picture(s) |
Invokes the Add pictures wizard (pictures will be added to the current
group). |
Page Down |
Next page |
Scrolls one screen down. |
Page Up |
Previous page |
Scrolls one screen up. |
Shift+Alt+Arrow keys |
Rectangular thumbnail selection |
Selects a rectangular block of thumbnails (with one corner at previous and another one at next
highlighted). |
Shift+Alt+Del |
Delete view |
Removes current view from the photoa lbum. |
Shift+Alt+Enter |
Edit view |
Opens the View properties dialog. |
Shift+Alt+G |
Make a group |
Opens the Select a group dialog to place view's groups to. |
Shift+Alt+Ins |
New view |
Invokes the Add view dialog. |
Shift+Arrow keys |
Picture range selection |
Selects picture sequence (starting at previous and ending at next highlighted). |
Shift+Ctrl+Enter |
View slide show |
Enters the view mode for the current picture and starts the slide show. |
Shift+Ctrl+O |
Load settings from ini file |
Displays Load .ini file dialog you wish to
load program settings from. |
Shift+Ctrl+S |
Save settings to ini file |
Displays Save .ini file dialog you wish to save current program settings
to. |
Shift+End |
Select to end |
Selects pictures from current through last. |
Shift+Home |
Select to begin |
Selects pictures from current through first. |
Shift+Page Down |
Select page down |
Selects pictures from current through one one screen down. |
Shift+Page Up |
Select page up |
Selects pictures from current through one one screen up. |
Space |
Select thumbnail |
Selects the current thumbnail. |